
IT / Tech professionals

Small business insurance

Find recommended policies for your business, descriptions of what each commercial policy covers, and insurance cost estimates.

Small business insurance
Compare technology business insurance quotes tailored for your profession. Gain techinsurance that protects against lawsuits, property damage, and more.
Small business tips

Many business owners aren’t sure where to start when it comes to which small business license they need. Find out what licenses or permits you may need, complete with steps to guide you through the process.

IT / Tech professionals
Different types of small business insurance address different accidents, lawsuits, and damages that could impact technology businesses and professionals.
IT / Tech professionals

Your customers trust your shop for recommendations and quality products. Insurance for computer retail stores can help pay for lawsuits over defective products, data breaches, and other risks.

IT / Tech professionals

Any IT consultant or project manager will tell you that projects can be unpredictable. That’s why they turn to project plan timelines to help manage goals, tasks, and deadlines to keep projects on target and clients happy.

E&O / Professional liability insurance

The term “contract negligence” covers breach of contract and professional negligence, two related but different legal issues. Both of these can lead to lawsuits for tech companies.

Insurance terms

Clients could accuse your tech company of professional negligence if you fail to provide a service or meet their expectations.

Independent contractors

If you’re self-employed, it may not seem important whether you consider yourself an independent contractor or freelancer. But it may matter to prospective clients.

IT / Tech professionals

Learn how to protect your consulting business by understanding the liability risks and taking steps to safeguard your assets.

E&O / Professional liability insurance

Professional indemnity insurance provides coverage when a client sues you over errors, oversights, or alleges negligence in your work even if you did nothing wrong.

E&O / Professional liability insurance

IT businesses accused of making professional mistakes or failing to complete work can be sued in an errors and omissions lawsuit. Disclaimers and insurance coverage can help reduce your risks.

E&O / Professional liability insurance

What happens if a client sues you, claiming that you made a mistake that hurt their business? Professional liability insurance, also called errors and omissions insurance, protects consultants from costly lawsuits over work mistakes.

Cyber liability insurance

Data breaches that expose sensitive digital assets can cause expensive lawsuits. Learn the difference between first-party and third-party cyber liability insurance and how these policies can help your business handle cybercrime.

IT / Tech professionals

IT consultants are tasked with improving the efficiency of your clients' systems, but an error can lead to downtime or worse. Insurance for IT consultants can help cover client lawsuits, medical bills, property damage, and other risks.

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