
E&O / Professional liability insurance

E&O / Professional liability insurance

The average premium for errors and omissions insurance (E&O, also called professional liability insurance) is about $60 per month. Your exact cost will depend on several factors, including your industry and policy limits.

Small business insurance

Errors and omissions insurance (E&O) and general liability insurance are types of liability insurance that protect your business in different ways. Let’s look at why so many small business owners buy both types of insurance coverage.

Small business insurance

Technology errors and omissions insurance (tech E&O) and cyber insurance are two forms of protection against cyberattacks for small businesses. While tech E&O focuses on cybersecurity errors that harm your clients, cyber insurance offers financial coverage for breaches that directly affect your business.

Small business insurance

Both professional liability insurance and errors and omissions (E&O) insurance offer financial protection from client lawsuits over unsatisfactory work. They’re essentially the same types of coverage for mistakes in professional services.

E&O / Professional liability insurance

Both general liability and professional liability are types of liability insurance that cover the business risks faced by small technology and IT businesses, though they differ in the types of liabilities they insure against.

Cyber liability insurance

Data breaches that expose sensitive digital assets can cause expensive lawsuits. Learn the difference between first-party and third-party cyber liability insurance and how these policies can help your business handle cybercrime.

E&O / Professional liability insurance

Errors and omissions insurance covers the cost of legal disputes over professional mistakes made by your business. Get your questions about coverage, costs, and more answered here.

E&O / Professional liability insurance

Professional liability insurance provides financial protection against legal disputes over professional mistakes. Learn more about coverage, costs, and other considerations.

Small business tips

Online businesses face numerous risks that could lead to severe financial losses. These three online business liability insurance policies can help protect your company.

General liability insurance

Every liability insurance policy is different. Who is covered by your liability insurance depends on a few factors, including the type of insurance and any modifications made to the policy.

E&O / Professional liability insurance

The term “contract negligence” covers breach of contract and professional negligence, two related but different legal issues. Both of these can lead to lawsuits for tech companies.

IT / Tech professionals

Technology and IT services companies can end up taking the blame when clients run into problems. Learn about common types of E&O claims and how insurance protects your business.

Property insurance

Insuring your business's laptops, desktops, and other electronics is a necessity when you work in tech. Learn which policies include computer or laptop insurance.

Small business tips

A duty to defend clause in your liability policy means your insurance company must work out the details of your legal defense.

E&O / Professional liability insurance

An errors and omissions disclaimer can limit a tech professional's liability in certain situations, which can help you manage the risks of working with clients. But while some disclaimers really do reduce risk, others won’t hold up in court.

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