
Small business tips

Small business tips

When you own a small IT business, your focus is usually on your work and on your clients. However, it's worth taking time to consider what kind of legal structure you need and whether your needs will change as your business grows.

Small business insurance

The questions you’ll need to answer to get an insurance quote will vary based on the policy. If you have this information on hand before you apply, you can save time and avoid headaches.

IT / Tech professionals

Antitrust lawsuits may be exclusive to big tech, but there’s no shortage of lawsuits for small companies as well. Learn the reasons behind most software developer lawsuits – plus ways to soften their impact and even avoid them.

IT / Tech professionals

The scope of almost any software development project is bound to change over the course of implementation. How you manage this inevitable "project scope creep" can mean the difference between success and failure.

Small business tips

An acceptable use policy outlines what people can and can’t do on an organization’s internet connection. It can help protect your business and your clients from data breaches, cyberattacks, and other liabilities.

Small business tips

A duty to defend clause in your liability policy means your insurance company must work out the details of your legal defense.

IT / Tech professionals

Any IT consultant or project manager will tell you that projects can be unpredictable. That’s why they turn to project plan timelines to help manage goals, tasks, and deadlines to keep projects on target and clients happy.

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